Thamesmead Tales and Feathers

Episode 6 of Thamemead’s Best Beaks – Thamesmead Tales & Feathers

Listen Easter Sunday 4 April, 12noon – 1pm on

JD Swann is broadcasting tomorrow at noon, with ‘Thamesmead’s Best Beaks’ on RTM FM (Radio Thamesmead). This is Episode 6 of a series that began with an interview of the Eggman, Stephen Turner and has included JD Swann’s own occupation of the Exbury Egg.

For the last of the series J D hears and reads tales of nature from residents of Thamesmead and walks on encountering its many wildlife surprises. Featuring bird music, bird poetry, several Guess That Bird challenges, and an Egyptian Goose waiting for the bus.

Episode 1 ‘The Egg’; Episode 2 ‘Nature Walking’; Episode 3 ‘Havens & Reserves’;
Episode 4 ‘Wild Identification’, Episode 5 ‘Swans, Swans, Swans’ available at

J D Swann, maverick ornithological investigator addresses the natural world in Thamesmead and further afield in a bi-monthly show that mixes beak-to-beak interviews, nature news, field recordings, observations, and cultural (Blue) titbits.

J D Swann appears courtesy of Calum F Kerr.

Thamesmead’s Best Beaks on RTM is supported by a bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company and Arts Council England.

Image: J D Swann with binoculars by Alessia Gammarota. Birds by J D.